Software SDK
Image Processing Solution
Products & Technology
We provide advanced software solutions
like the blood of X-ray Imaging system.
Imaging SDK | Console S/W |
- Digital Radiography - Mammography - CArm - DRF - Cardica Angiography - Tomosynthesis - CBCT |
- Digital Radiography - Mammography - CArm - DRF - Dental CBCT |
Low Dose Image enhancement software
* FUMA is based on AI technology
* AI based Image Enhancement and noise
suppression technology can reduce patient's
radiation dose.
* The result can find the improved image quality
in especially low dose images.
Removal of Howling artifact
Removal of anti-scattered grid lines
(103 lines/inch)
Zoom In 600% : No Blurring
Low Dose Image enhancement software
Software anti-scattered grid
: FUMA_Vgrid
* FUMA_Vgrid is software anti-scattered grid
SDK like smart_grid, sim_grid, and virtual_grid.
* It employed AI technology and was compared
with anti-scattered physical grid
( 215 line 8:1 ratio).
* The result can find the images without physical
grid can keep good quality by using
FUMA + FUMA_Vgrid.
Image enhancement software
: FUMA_Mammo
for better quality of digital Mammography
Image enhancement software
Image enhancement software
Low dose real-time Image Enhancement
Software : FUMA_DYN
It can reduce patient's radiation dose in
C-Arm, RF, CT/CBCT, and Tomosynthesis systems.
DSA[Digital Subtraction Angiography]
Real-Time Image Enhancement Software
: FUMA_Angio
3D Image Enhancement Software
Automatic Stitching software: xMerge
For whole spine and long bone
Software for stereotactic image guided surgery
: Phenixvision 3D localization of cancer In brain
: Fusion based on CT, MRI and Angiography
Hitchcoke Stereotactic Localization of cancer in
brain based on two angiography images
- 이전CBCT 22.02.03